Finding it difficult to make money online? Pay close attention
After making over 30 million naira, and training over 800 students, one of the most successful female online entrepreneurs finally reveals how to make 200k – 500k weekly using an untapped business model.
And You can do this even if

Hi there!

If you are looking to start a super successful online business that will help you make up to 250k to 500k or more monthly, and you don’t know what to do, or where to start from.

Then keep reading because in the few minutes you will spend here, I will expose you to a little known but highly profitable business model that will help you make legitimate money online, even if all you have is your smartphone or you fell from the sky and just heard about the internet today.

It’s so simple that even 19 year olds and College Students are making millions from it every other month.
Before we go all in, and before I explain everything to you
I want to tell you that you have been missing out.

Are you aware that every other week, regular people like you ( students, stay at home mums, 9-5 workers, school drop outs, lazy youths) receive life changing alerts (Alarm) straight in their bank accounts.

I’m talking about money that a salary earner can work for in a year.

I’m currently writing this letter to you on a Wednesday, but by Friday the same thing will happen again, and the cycle keeps revolving.

Already a lot of people all over the world including myself have pounced on this business model opportunity, and have been making alot of money on a weekly and monthly basis.

To prove that to you, just see some of my receipt screenshot below.

Lets get this straight here.

Unless you are living on Mars or Jupiter, you should know that there is a looming global economic recession.

If you are in Africa then, you can relate with this properly because There is a serious price hike of goods and services, increase of unemployment, and the poverty level is increasing without control.

Coming down to Nigeria where I am from, it’s getting worse especially due to subsidy removal, and some governmental policies.

The minimum wage is still stagnant, so not being enough to match the rate of inflation.

People are really going through alot these period.

I’m convinced that you are here on this page because you want to have a steady and reliable income source online that will keep you away from complaining about money again, and cursing the government like others.

Maybe you are tired of being broke, and watching sapa hunt you like you have any covenant with poverty.

maybe you want to take care of yourself, your loved ones and your friends that look up to you. You want to earn their respect, and make them feel proud to have a sibling like you.

Maybe you want to make money to fund your school, vision, and passion and start living the life of your dreams.

Or Maybe you are just like me that wants the confidence of knowing that some uncommon millions are breathing in your savings account ready for spending.

Which ever best describes you

Worry no more

Because I am about to show you everything you need to know, take you by the hands like a toddler and walk you step by step until you begin to see results like mine.

I am 100% sure because I have done everything I’m about to show you, made my mistakes, gathered my experiences, and made massive wins.

Hey awesome person

My name is Esther Amaka

I’m considered as one of the fastest rising female affiliate marketer in Nigeria. Some call me an underdog who rose to stardom.

I have gone from zero to 20 million naira in sales in 11 months.

But all these were not so a year ago.

You see, before I came across this business model, I was a young struggling girl who hustled everyday just to feed myself, and at least change my dress.

I sold cheap clothes on my whatsapp status, and that was the only source of my livelihood. I would place orders from shops or in rare times travel to lagos or onitsha market to get clothes myself to sell.

Life was not easy, at all.

I would post on my status, and rely on status view to sell my market.

Most of them will come and price, and go mute again.

Some that will decide to buy will want you to sell at cost price.

I had my fair share of the trenches.

One day, I decided that I needed to upgrade my income because I was tired of the hand to mouth kind of life.
I saw that Crypto was trending, and people were making millions overnight.

It caught my fancy, and I decided to give it a shot.

I packed all my savings, about 300k, and gave out to trade crypto.

Within months, my capital and everything vanished into thin air.

I almost had heart attack

Few months later, I gathered my pieces and started from rock bottom again.

This cycle continued until I heard about affiliate marketing in 2022.
Once again, I was skeptical, and feared I would lose everything again but somehow, I gathered the morale and decided to go all in.

In the beginning, it was very tough.

But I was able to make my first sale 3 weeks later.

It wasn’t a lot of money though, but at least i could see the light at the end of the tunnel

Fast forward till today, I have won many massive cash awards.
I have won a car, and all paid trips to Maldives. (I did not go because of my exams in school)

All these i have done even as a 400 level student in the university

Plus, I have trained warrior students who are making large sums for themselves using the secret strategy i am about to show you now.

I’m sure by now you can agree with me that this business model can change your life forever, turn you from a zero to a millionaire.

So now we are on the same page now right?

I know you will be asking, what is this business model i’m talking about

Well to kill your curiosity, this business model is called AFFILIATE MARKETING.

But wait a moment, what is affiliate marketing, and how does it work?

Affiliate marketing is simply selling other people’s high quality products, and earning a commission after making a sale.

Still sounds confusing, yeah?

Of course you know for sure that before you can make money online or even offline, there must be an exchange of value.

So what happens is that you find a product that will really solve people’s problem, and help them get from point A to point B. Sell it to them, and once you do, you will be paid a commission.

Please note, this is not network marketing where you bring one person to bring another.

You sell a product, and earn a commission, simple.

All you need to do is find these top notch products, find the people who need them, and sell to them.

Sounds super simple yeah?

That’s just the easiest part though.

The heavy lifting is actually finding where these people are that need these products in their numbers, and selling to them consistently.

This is where a lot of people, especially newbies get it wrong.

This is also the missing piece that separates millionaire affiliates from mediocre affiliates.

Trust me, the last thing you want to do at this point is to browse on google about how to get started or watch youtube videos that will waste your data and teach you nothing.

or worst go and buy courses randomly from unverified tutors that have no track record, or want to use newbies as lab rats.

Just like me, you will end up burning out a lot of cash and you will still be frustrated.

That is why i have created this course


Sales mastery Program

The ultimate guide to selecting the perfect niche and mastering the vital skills for maximum success in affiliate marketing and online marketing.

Every strategy taught in this course is geared to help you go from zero to six figures monthly as an affiliate marketer.
Here is a sneak peak of what you will be learning in this course

Module 1: Introduction to sales mastery program, Mindset to develop and rule to follow

To become really successful in any business, you must work to develop a positive mindset that will help you to navigate through any hurdles you may likely face as you are getting started.

So first things first, I will be helping you develop the right mindset, and show you some of the rules you must follow to become successful.

Module 2…. Overview of Affiliate Marketing, Basics of Affiliate Marketing and Affiliate Platforms.

In this module, I will explain to you everything you need to know in affiliate marketing.

I will arm you with the foundational knowledge that will help you build up as you go further in your learning and implementation journey.

I will also show you how to sign up on various affiliate platforms.

Module 3 - Marketing Niches, Product Sources and Product Promotion

Choosing a niche properly is the start of your success. It is always said that the riches are in the niches.

I will walk you step by step how to choose a super profitable niche that is guaranteed to make you money.

You will also learn how to source for products, and how to promote them in the right way.

Module 4 - Traffic/Lead Generation and Sales Funnel

This module, I will show you everything you need to know to get the right set of people that will buy from you.

We will talk about
How to get traffic/ lead generation
Then I will show you how to set up a high converting funnel that will help you bring in only quality leads.

Module 5 - WhatsApp Marketing Overview.

This module is divided into various parts You will learn

Module 6 - How To Hold WhatsApp Classes.

Whatsapp is an essential tool in affiliate marketing. It is the best way to reach out to your audience easily and quickly. Using just your whatsapp, your potential customers are just a message away from you, and with that you can track conversion.

I will show you how to hold Whatsapp classes and maximize it for profit.

Module 7 - How To Hold Webinar Trainings

Webinars are proven to be one of the most effective ways to sell to your potential audience. Using a webinar, you build a deep connection with your audience and position yourself with a greater opportunity to make more sales.

In this module, I will show you how to hold webinar training the right way.

Module 8 - Organic traffic secrets

In this module, I will show you how to get quality leads for free.

You will learn
Tiktok organic traffic
Facebook organic traffic

Module 9 - Facebook paid advert training

In this module, I will show you how to get quality traffic using facebook advertisements.

You will learn how to set up your ads the right way that will bring you maximum results.

Thats not all… I have more for you.
Bonus 1 – Website creation and buying of hosting.

This aspect is a little techy, and if not done properly you may delay your process of getting started.

So I will teach you how to buy a domain name and hosting from the right, reliable, and cheap source.
I will also show you how to set up your website easily without breaking the bank.

Bonus 2: Google advert training

Google still stands as one of the best, and reliable advertising platforms.

If you learn how to set up your advertising properly, you will always have quality leads.

In this bonus module, I will show you how to set up profitable google ads from scratch to finish.

Bonus 3: Sales mastery program Support group/ community

Trust me, I am not going to just teach you and dump you without any guide.

You will gain life time access to my support group where I will personally coach you and show you the right steps to take.

Also you will get to meet amazing members, ask your questions, form a partnership, and share insights that will help you succeed easily.

Bonus 4 Bi weekly Coaching session

This is where I will personally answer all your questions.. I will also look at your funnel and give you some strategic feedback.

You will also gain access to my past recording sessions

I know you are wondering how much this course is

I will tell you in a moment, and you will probably think I’m out of my mind.

But first, here is everything you will be getting again

Offer stack

As you can see the value of this course is ₦‎ 650,000

If I am to set a fair price for this, it should be nothing less than ₦‎450,000.

If I do that, it will still be a steal, considering the loads of information, value and result oriented strategies I have shared here that can take you from zero to millions.

But I understand that not all the people that are interested in getting into this program can afford to pay ₦‎450,000 right now.

So, i have decided to make the price super crazy and affordable for everyone which is why you will have access to this course for

Not ₦ 100,000




Yes you heard me. I know i sound ridiculous right now

As valuable as this course is, I will be giving it away for a steal price of ₦‎ 20,000 (not until I decide to take it up higher).

So why am i giving this course away for such a price

I want you to gain access to this course immediately.

I want you to utilize this opportunity, and save yourself from the stress of always complaining about the economy.

Your success is also my success, so i want to brag about you.

Still skeptical, here are some amazing testimonials from my students.

So what are you waiting for?

I have given you everything you need to become a millionaire. I can say right now that your destiny is in your own hands.

Take the bold step, and grab the Sales Mastery Program by clicking on the button below, I will see you in class.

Esther Amaka
Creator sales mastery program.

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